Full Dynamic Range Tools
Loading images
Copyright © 2002-2012 Andreas Schömann


There are several ways to load images to the program. Some of them are general methods, some of them are connected to project view, some of them are connected to editor view.

  1. Drag&Drop images to the program icon. This starts FDRTools and loads the images.
  2. Use the menu entry Images -> Open. This creates a new project, switches to project editor view and loads the images.

Loading in project view

  1. Create a project via the "One" and "Many" buttons of the toolbar. This opens the file chooser dialog where you can select the images. Later on you can add additional images using the "+" button.
  2. Drap&Drop images to the thumbnail browser of a project. This adds the image to the project.
  3. Drap&Drop images to the project browser area. This creates a new project.

Loading in editor view

  1. Use the "Open" toolbar button to add images to the active project.
  2. Drag&Drop image to the image layer browser of one of the Alignment modules like Tripod.
  3. Drag&Drop image to the image layer browser of one of the HDRI creation modules like Average etc.